Ctrl + Z - to undo your last action (you can always cancel changes, Todoist can’t do that). Ctrl + N - to create a new task, Ctrl + T - to assign today’s date to it. You just need to scan the printout, and all the ticks and X’s will appear in SingularityApp in no time! Please note that this feature is only available in Pro :) SingularityApp also has a wide range of keyboard shortcuts - literally for all occasions. And, perhaps, the most attractive feature is the possibility to print out a daily to-do list with all the marks on it… If you are used to putting marks on a piece of paper, you can print your list of tasks for today from the mobile application, and you don’t have to transfer all these marks to the application manually. Some of the non-obvious advantages of SingularityApp are the ability to add passwords to tasks, customizable task tracing, and coloring for overdue tasks (the longer it’s overdue, the more unpleasant its color). There is no karma in SingularityApp, but we have better tools that help you to keep yourself, your projects, and tasks in good shape - we’ll tell you about them below.

A good tool for those who lack internal motivation and need an external one. If the goal is achieved, it will increase your karma. You can set daily goals: for example, "I will do 7 tasks today". The completed tasks are sent to the Productivity section and are counted. In Todoist, everything that is deleted disappears forever. Deleted ones are stored in Recycle Bin, they can always be retrieved and restored from it. As for the task archive, it has all tasks completed in SingularityApp.

But the option only works for tasks with a specific date and time because it’s impossible to remind of something that has not been scheduled yet. The application can notify (at a certain moment or during the task execution) that it is time to do something else. You can add a reminder to any task - and yes, unlike Todoist, it’s free.